Month: June 2023

Comment on a Peer’s Blog Post #2

Hi Katherine, thanks for sharing your thoughts and knowledge about PBL. Growing up as a kid, I really enjoyed participating in science fairs! Having been part of science fairs during high school, I found them to be enjoyable and a great way to learn more about the world around me. Compared to many of the other learning environments, I found PBL to be the one that resonates the most with me, as it is engaging and I learned so many new things outside the classroom. I enjoyed reading your post as well and found it easy to comprehend.

BLOG POST #2: An overview of the characteristics of Cooperative Learning and a discussion of how it does or does not align with your chosen topic.

Cooperative learning is a learning strategy that promotes teamwork of individuals within a group to complete a task. This learning style involves people working together, assigning roles for team members to complete sub-tasks, and active participation from all members.

   Using this learning model, individuals can take ownership of their learning, feel valued in their learning community, and work on their communication skills. Instead of utilizing a traditional lecture model, some people may find discussing ideas and sharing their learning amongst peers to be a more engaging way of absorbing knowledge and, perhaps, learn a thing or two along the way!

   Some key characteristics of Cooperative learning include:

–      A Group Dynamic – Individuals work with others to complete their sub-task and over-arching tasks. These groups can consist of 2 or more people.

–      Active participation – Individuals are responsible for their sub-task and contributing to the overall task. Given the group nature of this learning style, individuals are often held accountable by their group members.

–      Diversity – In this learning model, diversity is essential. Whether that be an individual’s identity or thoughts, having different understandings of a topic can help individuals to learn about things from a different perspective and comprehend content if they are having difficulties.

–      Equitable division of tasks – Individuals coordinate with their teammates which portions of the tasks they would like to work on. Given one’s extenuating circumstances (if applicable), it may be harder for them to contribute equally. However, the team will work together to decide on an equitable split that is fair for everyone.

   For my group’s topic, we have selected “Well-being & Mindfulness in Children,” where we are creating an interactive resource to help school children (Grades Kindergarten to Grade 3) improve their overall well-being and mindfulness in areas such as breathing strategies, creativity, physical well-being & play and healthy eating. I believe that Cooperative Learning indirectly aligns with my group’s topic because we are getting students involved in learning more about mindfulness and well-being in a group setting. Upon learning about these strategies using our interactive blueprint, students can discuss what they have learned and implement these strategies outlined in their day-to-day lives. During assessment portions, students can collaborate on their answers and discuss their understanding of the topic with the class.


Lewis, B. (2019, November 13). What is Cooperative Learning? ThoughtCo. Retrieved June 18, 2023, from   

Willis, J. (2021, November 5). How Cooperative Learning Can Benefit Students This Year. Edutopia. Retrieved June 18, 2023, from

Comment on a Peer’s Blog Post #1

Hi Nikhil, thank you so much for sharing your perspective on the different learning styles. I found the learning styles to be hard to understand at first but found clarity through reviewing the videos and reading your post. I agree with your conclusion that each learning method can help different people comprehend topics. I believe that one can use individual or multiple learning methods, depending on the task at hand and their understanding of the topic.

Blog Post #1 – Learning, Motivation, and Theory

By: Fawzan Hussain

  • Share a story about your best learning experience (could be a formal course or something more personal). Why did you enjoy it?
  • Describe an example from your life of when you were taught using each method described in this article: behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism.

  My best learning experience was learning how to live a healthier lifestyle. A year ago, I went through a rough time and felt lost. I knew something had to change but did not know how.

   My journey began with an inventory of where I was. At that point, I wasn’t living healthily – I was slightly overweight, did not exercise, and did not feel too great. That’s when I decided to start journaling and documenting my progress.

   In my first journal entry, I outlined my current situation and feelings. In addition, I made a list of what I wanted to do to help me become a better version of myself, with various activities such as reading books, going to the gym, and journaling.


In May 2022, I started reading self-help, psychology, and personal development books. Every day, I aim to read ten pages and make notes to outline key points from each section. These self-help books showcase different ways of resolving problems and the mindset shifts we can make in our thinking patterns. Through learning about these strategies, I incorporated these ways of thinking to improve the quality of my life, build a resilient mindset, and better understand the world.


In June 2022, I started going to my local gym. Since I did not know much about the gym, I decided to work on an exercise plan with a personal trainer – where I would come into the gym four times a week and dedicate each day to exercising a different muscle group. Through consistently showing up to the gym and completing the exercises on my own, I have become more confident in how my body looks, able to carry heavier loads, and received lots of support for my progress.


Over the past year, I have found happiness, peace, and healing by documenting my journey in my journal and self-reflecting. Each journal entry has helped me understand my life better and construe my own meaning of growth from the various self-help books I read, balanced lifestyle, and exercise from the gym.

I enjoy continually working on myself because I feel happier about life, love solving problems, and have a story I am proud to share with those around me. Since starting my personal development journey in May 2022, I have lost over 35 pounds, read 14 books, and created a new identity – Fawzan Hussain, a lifelong learner.